Boost profits with more conversation – bring on the webcast and webcam


Looking for new ways to boost your bottom line and impress stakeholders, but don’t have any money to spend?

Make webcasts and webcams a new way of organisational life.

Webcams are a great way to have face-to-face conversations, particularly for remote teams.  When they replace email and written broadcasts, engagement increases, as more senses are used (hearing and sight) and non-verbal communications contribute to getting the message across. Greater engagement leads to higher job satisfaction and task productivity; higher performing teams that can solve problems and innovate, and transformation programs with a greater likelihood of running to budget and time.

Webcasts are a great way to conduct conferences that require a number of remote attendees. The meeting is  streamed live over the internet to any number of attendees wishing to dial in.  The audience can participate with the conference whenever they need, making it almost as effective as attending in person.  

Not only are profits boosted with the engagement and productivity benefits, but webcams and webcasts have the potential for large travel, meeting and conference savings, including:

  • direct costs (flights, hotels, fuel, meals, etc);
  • the opportunity cost from time spent way from other productive work while travelling; and
  • indirect costs, such as the strain and stress from being away from family, adjusting body clock to different time zones etc.

Webcasts and webcams also remove the potential for misinterpretation across non-English speaking cultures from relying on the written word.

For those who aren’t technology savvy, webcasts/cams  are also easy and cheap to set up and operate.  Stay tuned for my next post and video where I will demonstrate just how simple it really is.

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