Sick of stress? Read a book.

3 book-mockup

This week I finally publish three books, collectively and affectionately known as the Co Solution Series.

The first book is for leaders of large global corporations, suggesting 45 ways in which they can create competitive advantage without spending any money.

The second takes a look at how Human Capital Management contributes to the bottom line by reducing workplace mental stress (along with a multitude of other efficiencies) . Creating functional corporate cultures and taking simplification, change management and communications seriously can lead to  billions of dollars of benefit…that right, billions…in reduced claims, litigation, employee turnover, obesity, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, heart attacks, diabetes, cancer…and more!

The third is for those of you who are facing the uncertainty of organisational change and redundancy…or maybe just sick of working for the man and wanting to start a business. It introduces the Little co Big CO framework to help you establish and grow your own global company.

Feel free to preview proofs at Let me know what you think.


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