Relax into flexible just-in-time workspaces


The cost benefits of  activity based or just-in-time office workspaces are well documented; providing organisations with substantial direct savings. There are, however, additional performance benefits that can be achieved with strategically managed, flexible workspaces.

In my last post, I referenced the power of informal conversation. When leaders and teams regularly connect socially or chat one-on-one they establish greater intimacy and trust which leads to stronger relationships, higher engagement and improved job and team performance. Activity-based, flexible working takes the power of informal conversation to the next level: across teams and silos.

Many people can benefit from flexible working patterns. It can lead to better management of work and home responsibilities, which reduces stress and increases engagement and performance.

There are a number of ways in which flexible workspaces can be strategically managed.  To make a couple of suggestions:

  • Assign a  workspace coordinator to office spaces or hubs, who can  liaise with leaders and other workspace coordinators to produce schedules documenting where team members are expected to sit on any one day. Schedules should regularly rotate people and mix team and non-team members, encouraging conversation across silos.
  • Leaders can support flexible workspaces by encouraging occasional group social breaks, such as a collective morning tea break or walk around the office block; which has the added advantage of reducing stress and improving brain power.

More information about the benefits and methods of strategically  managed workspaces is available via or download your free book via A Corporate Affair. 


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